Download of Multilateral ECM Brief

Latest: ECM_202406 (published on July 24, 2024).

Multilateral ECM

The Multilateral ECM provides a high-frequency indicator that effectively measures real energy cost differentials across eight industrialized countries: China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, the UK, and the U.S., and EITE (Energy-Intensive Trade-Exposed) Output Index, developed by Nomura Lab, Keio Economic Observatory (KEO), Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
ECM_202406 covers seven countries for RUEC (Italy is excluded due to the delay in publishing economic statistics and the uncertain impact of subsidies) and four countries for EITE output.
For the details on the measurement framework and primary data sources, see Nomura, Koji and Sho Inaba (2024) "Post-Pandemic Surges of Real Unit Energy Costs in Eight Industrialized Countries," RCGW Discussion Paper No.70, Research Center on Global Warming, Development Bank of Japan, March.
The first multilateral ECM was released in March 2024. The framework and data will continue to be revised as needed. Further information, please contact us at

Copyright Notice

The copyright for all materials published in ECM belongs to Nomura Lab, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University. However, they may be freely printed, reproduced, cited, reprinted, or used for secondary purposes, provided that the source is attributed as "Multilateral Energy Cost Monitoring (ECM), Nomura Lab, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University." No formal application is required, but we would appreciate it if you could contact us at


Data Publication Date ECM Brief
ECM_202407 To be published on August 3, 2024 n.a.
ECM_202406 July 24, 2024 [pdf]
ECM_202405 June 3, 2024 [pdf]
ECM_202404 May 4, 2024 [pdf]
ECM_202403 March 27, 2024 [pdf]
Copyright© Nomura Lab at Keio Economic Observatory (KEO), Keio University, Tokyo. All Rights Reserved.